Fernando Tesón

Fernando Teson

Fernando Tesón

Eminent Scholar Emeritus

S.J.D., Northwestern University School of Law, 1987
LL.M., Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, 1982
J.D., Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 1975

Fernando Tesón, the Tobias Simon Eminent Scholar at FSU College of Law, is the leading authority on humanitarian intervention and the philosophy of international law. In addition, he has written on diverse topics such as immigration and political rhetoric. Originally from Buenos Aires, Professor Tesón has dual U.S. and Argentine citizenship. He has authored several books, including Debating Humanitarian Intervention: Should We Try to Save Strangers? (Oxford University Press, 2017) (with Bas van Der Vossen); Justice at a Distance: Extending Freedom Globally (Cambridge University Press, 2015) (with Loren Lomasky); Rational Choice and Political Deliberation(Cambridge University Press 2006) (with Guido Pincione), and Humanitarian Intervention: An Inquiry into Law and Morality (Transnational, 2005), considered the classic treatise in the field. He has also published dozens of articles in law, philosophy and international relations journals and collections of essays. Professor Tesón has presented his scholarship around the world. 

Professor Tesón holds an S.J.D. from Northwestern University School of Law, an LL.M. from the Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium and a J.D. from Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Before joining FSU in 2002, he taught for 17 years at Arizona State University. He has served as visiting professor at Cornell Law School, Indiana University School of Law, University of California Hastings College of Law, the Oxford-George Washington International Human Rights Program, and Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Select Recent and Forthcoming Publications

DEBATING HUMANITARIAN INTERVENTION (with Bas van de Vossen) (Oxford University Press) (forthcoming 2017)

THE THEORY OF SELF-DETERMINATION (editor) (Cambridge University Press 2016)

JUSTICE AT A DISTANCE: EXTENDING FREEDOM GLOBALLY (with Loren Lomasky) (Cambridge University Press 2015)

Free Trade: A Principle for All Seasons, in The Routledge Encyclopedia of Libertarianism ( J. Brennan & B. van der Vossen, editors) (forthcoming 2017)

Fake Custom, in Re-Examining Customary International Law (Brian Lepard, editor) (Cambridge University Press 2017)

The Conundrum of Self-Determination, in The Theory of Self-Determination (Fernando R. Tesón, editor) (Cambridge University Press 2016)

La Filosofia del Derecho Internacional, in Filosofia del Derecho (J. Fabra & E. Spector, editors) (UNAM 2014)

The Moral Basis of Humanitarian Intervention Revisited, in The Ethics of Armed Intervention (Don Scheid, editor) (Cambridge University Press 2014)

The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention, in Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics (A. Altman & C. Wellman, editors) (Wiley-Blackwell 2014)

The Mystery of Territory, 32 Soc. Phil. & Pol’y 25 (2015)

Natural Law as Part of International Law: The Case of the Armenian Genocide, 50 San Diego L. Rev. 813 (2014)

The Kiobel Decision: The End of an Era, 8 N.Y.U. J.L. & Liberty 161 (2014)

Grotius on War and the State, Liberty Matters (March 2014)

When Philosophers Misdiagnose, 74 Analysis 107 (2014)