Jake Linford

Jake Linford

Jake Linford

Loula Fuller and Dan Myers Professor and Associate Dean for Research
Contact Information

Florida State University
College of Law
Main Classroom Building, Room 322
Phone: 850.644.3449


J.D., University of Chicago, 2008
B.A., University of Utah, 1996

Jake Linford is the Loula Fuller & Dan Myers Professor and Associate Dean for Research at the Florida State University College of Law. He focuses his scholarship on trademarks, copyright, and contract law. He teaches Trademarks and Unfair Competition, Contracts, Copyright, Information Privacy, and various IP and tech-related seminars. His scholarship empirically tests and theoretically reassesses key trademark and copyright doctrines, and has been published in leading law reviews including The Georgetown Law Journal, Notre Dame Law Review, and Minnesota Law Review.

Professor Linford received his J.D. from the University of Chicago, where he was a member of The University of Chicago Law Review, graduated with high honors and was elected to the Order of the Coif. Prior to joining the Florida State law faculty, Professor Linford litigated copyright and trademark matters with the law firm of Pattishall, McAuliffe, Newbury, Hilliard & Geraldson, LLP, in Chicago and clerked for the Honorable M. Margaret McKeown of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

Select Recent and Forthcoming Publications

An Information Theory of Bad Faith Trademark Use, 62 Houston L. Rev. 275 (2024)

Retrenching Speech Protective Thresholds in Trademark Law, 72 Am. U.L. Rev. F. 181 (2024) (invited response)

Calculating the Harms of Political Use of Popular Music (with Aaron Perzanowski), 75 U. Cal. L.J. 293 (2024)

Trademark Tarnishmyths (with Justin Sevier & Allyson Willis), 55 Ariz. St. L.J. 609 (2023)

The Path of the Trademark Injunction, in Research Handbook on the Law & Economics of Trademarks (Glynn Lunney, editor) (Edward Elgar Publishing) (2023)

Trademark Fame and Corpus Linguistics (with Kyra Nelson), 45 Colum. J.L. & Arts 171 (2022)

Democratizing Access to Survey Evidence of Distinctiveness, in Trademark Law and Theory: Reform of Trademark Law (Graeme Dinwoodie & Mark Janis, editors) (Edward Elgar Publishing 2021)

'Tell the Truth:' Truth in Music Advertising Post Tam, in The Oxford Handbook of Music Law and Policy (Sean O’Connor, editor) (Oxford University Press 2020)

Copyright and Attention Scarcity, 42 Cardozo L. Rev. 143 (2020)

Contracting for Fourth Amendment Privacy Online (with Wayne Logan), 104 Minn. L. Rev. 101 (2019)

Placebo Marks, 47 Pepp. L. Rev. 1 (2019)