Nat S. Stern

Nat Stern

Nat S. Stern

Professor Emeritus
Contact Information

Florida State University
College of Law
Main Classroom Building, Room 312 
Phone: 850.644.1801


J.D., Harvard University, 1979
A.B., Brown University, 1976

Author of many articles on constitutional law issues, Professor Stern teaches Constitutional Law, American Legal History and Supreme Court Role Playing Seminar, and serves as faculty advisor and coach to the Florida State Law's nationally competitive and award-winning moot court team.

Recognized with several teaching awards, he is one of the College of Law's most popular teachers and has also served as Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Prior to joining the Florida State University faculty, Professor Stern was as an associate in the Atlanta law firm of Arnall, Golden & Gregory.


Select Recent and Forthcoming Publications

The Stubborn Survival of the Central Hudson Test for Commercial Speech, 45 Seattle U. L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2022)

Rethinking Absolute Immunity from Defamation Suits in Private Quasi-Judicial Proceedings, 21 U. New Hampshire L. Rev. _ (forthcoming 2022)

The Enduring Enigma of Public Official Status in Libel Law, 54 Loy. L.A. L. Rev. 1205 (2021)

Guess Who? Reducing the Role of Juries in Determining Libel Plaintiffs’ Identities, 93 St. John’s L. Rev. 101 (2020)