Florida State University College of Law is approved by the Council of the Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar of the American Bar Association, 321 North Clark Street, Chicago, IL 60654, 312.988.6738.
The ABA Standard 510 requires each law school to publish and comply with policies regarding student complaints that address the school’s program of legal education. Any student at the College of Law who wishes to bring a formal complaint to the administration regarding a significant problem that directly implicates the school’s program of legal education and its compliance with the ABA Standards shall:
1. Submit the complaint in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Advancement. The complaint may be sent via email, U.S. Mail, or delivered in person to the office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or the Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Advancement.
2. The complaint must contain the complaining student’s name, law school email address, and his/her current mailing address.
3. The complaint should describe in detail the behavior, program, process, or other matter at issue and should explain how the matter directly implicates the law school’s program of legal education and its compliance with a specific, identified ABA Standard(s).
When such a complaint is received by the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs or Associate Dean for Student Advancement, the following procedures shall be followed:
1. The Associate Dean will acknowledge the complaint within three business days of receipt. Acknowledgment may be by email, U.S. Mail, or personal delivery.
2. Within 10 business days of acknowledgment of the complaint, the Associate Dean, or his/her designee, shall respond to the substance of the complaint, either in writing or in person, and indicate what steps are being taken by the College of Law to address the complaint.
3. If further investigation is needed, the complaining student, shall, upon the conclusion of the investigation, be provided with substantive response to the complaint within 10 business days after completion of the investigation.
Any appeal regarding a decision on a complaint shall be brought before the Dean of the law school within 10 business days from the date of the response from the Associate Dean or his/her designee. The decision of the Dean will be final.
A copy of all complaints and a summary of the resolution of the complaint shall be kept in the office of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs for a period of ten years from the date of the final resolution of the complaint.
Bar Admission Consumer Information Report
2023 ABA Employment Summary Report
2022 ABA Employment Summary Report
2021 ABA Employment Summary Report
2020 ABA Employment Summary Report*
2019 ABA Employment Summary Report
2018 ABA Employment Summary Report
Policies Regarding Transfer of Credit
Other Documents
FSU Law Policy on Academic Freedom
*Information on employment outcomes for the Class of 2020 may not reflect a particular law school’s typical results in this area. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, bar admission exams were canceled or delayed in many jurisdictions, thus making it more challenging for graduates to secure employment by the annual Graduate Employment Status Date of March 15. Please reference the 3 years of employment outcome data posted on the ABA Required Disclosures webpage of each ABA-Approved Law School or at www.abarequireddisclosures.org.