The Spring 2019 Environmental Law Distinguished Lecture entitled “Institutional Pathologies in the Regulatory State: What Scott Pruitt Taught Us About Regulatory Policy” was presented by Richard Revesz, the Lawrence King professor and dean emeritus at New York University School of Law. Prof Revesz is one of the nation’s leading voices in the fields of environmental and regulatory law and policy, and he spoke about some of the political ideologies and extremisms that have taken hold in the Environmental Protection Agency under the Trump administration, noting that it has produced poor analysis in connection with its rulemakings. Some of EPA’s deregulatory initiatives go further than industries request or anticipate, creating more problems than they solve. In the end, this kind of extremism and short-termism stands in the way of long-term deregulatory goals.
1.0 CLE credit in State and Federal Government and Administrative Practice
Course Reference Number: 1900007N