Amanda Smith

Smith headshot
2nd Year
University of Florida
Fort Myers, Florida
Area of Interest
Business law, corporate law, and intellectual property law

Why should a prospective student choose FSU College of Law?
FSU Law has an outstanding academic reputation and a highly supportive faculty, which together create a close-knit community. The Tallahassee area with its diverse parks and trails also offers an exceptional backdrop for a well-rounded law experience.

What is your favorite thing about FSU Law?
My favorite thing about FSU Law is its closeness to the Florida Capitol and Florida Supreme Court and all of the unique opportunities that come with that!

What has been the best experience you have had at the College of Law thus far?
The best experience I have had at the College of Law has been attending all of the events that the Student Bar Association hosts! They are a great way to get to know your peers better while exploring the Tallahassee area!