Robert E. Atkinson, Jr.

Robert E. Atkinson, Jr.
Florida State University
College of Law
Main Classroom Building, Room 215
Phone: 850.644.4503
J.D., Yale University, 1982
B.A., Washington and Lee University, 1979
Recognized for his publications addressing the intersection of law and literature, Professor Atkinson is one of the country's leading scholars on legal professionalism, a noted scholar on the law of nonprofit organizations and on the relationship between business ethics and legal ethics.
He teaches Property, Professional Responsibility, Legal Ethics, and Law and Literature, and has also taught Taxation of Nonprofit Organizations. Recipient of the 2001 Professionalism Award from the Florida Supreme Court's Commission on Professionalism, Professor Atkinson served as a Visiting Professor at Cornell Law School in Spring 2002. Before entering law teaching, Professor Atkinson was associated with the firm of Sutherland, Asbill & Brennan in Washington, D.C., and clerked for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit.
Select Recent and Forthcoming Publications
Back to Basics, and Beyond Belief: The Radical Re-Valuation Project of the New Standard Conception, in Leading Works in Legal Ethics (Julian Webb, editor) (Routledge) (forthcoming 2023)
The Proper Relationship of Private Philanthropy and the Liberal Democratic State: The Inquiry and the Inquirers as the Answer, in The Routledge Handbook on Taxation and Philanthropy (Henry Peter & Giedre Lideikyte Huber, editors) (Routledge 2022)
Military Officers as Neo-Classical Professionals: Guardians of the Republic, Not Merely Servants of the Regime, 53 Memphis L. Rev. __ (forthcoming 2023)
Sea Captains and Philosopher Kings: Billy Budd as Melville’s Republican Response to Plato’s Republic, 47 Hofstra L. Rev. 1139 (2020)
For-Profit Managers as Public Fiduciaries: A Neo-Classical Republican Perspective, 19 Fla. St. Univ. Bus. Rev. 1 (2020), abbreviated version in Fiduciaries and Trust: Ethics, Politics, Economics and Law (Matthew Harding & Paul Miller, editors) (Cambridge University Press 2020)