During state legislative session (in the spring) students will track bills filed during the legislative session, perform bill analysis for these bills, research and report on legislative history for statuses related to proposed bills, research and report on litigation associated with proposed bills, attend and report on committee and stakeholder meetings for these bills, brief unit staff on bills and provide recommendations, accompany unit staff to other policy meetings in order to increase the student’s experience with and exposure to this work environment, and complete other assigned research tasks for issues relevant to the unit.
Outside of state legislative session (in the summer and fall) students will perform special research projects based on anticipated or proposed legislation for the following session, analyze and report on proposed agency rulemaking, research issues associated with potential or existing litigation, analyze and report on propped agency litigation in consideration of legislative history, associated litigation, and other matters; brief unit staff and provide recommendations, attend and report on meetings with stakeholders on agency matters and legislative concepts, attend and report on committees during fall legislative committee weeks, follow and report on federal legislative developments and participate in regular communications with DC office.
Abigail Morgan, Judicial Appointments Coordinator
Office of the General Counsel
Executive Office of the Governor
The Capitol, 400 S. Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32399
T: 850.717.9205