FSU Law Celebrates Homecoming 2023

2023 Homecoming Tailgate
Last weekend, FSU Law held its 2023 Homecoming festivities. To kick off the exciting weekend, law students, alumni, and staff represented the law school in Friday’s FSU Homecoming Parade. Then Friday evening, many alumni attended the Pittman Law Group FSU Homecoming Pig Roast hosted by Sean Pittman (’94) and his firm. On Saturday, the FSU Law Alumni Association Board of Directors conducted a productive meeting, and the law school tailgate was attended by approximately 300 alumni, students, faculty, and friends. Attendees enjoyed connecting with one another over food and lawn games. Several classes, and alumni who were members of the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, gathered for special reunions throughout the weekend. On Sunday, FSU Law celebrated the class of 1973 during the 50-Year Alumni Brunch. The event, which was sponsored by FSU President Emeritus John Thrasher (’73), Jean Thrasher, Judge John Kest (’73), Judge Sally Dee Millward Kest (’73), Mel Martinez (’73), and Kitty Martinez, allowed the law school to specially honor our Class of ’73 alumni. Photos from the law school events are available online. Many thanks to all of the alumni and friends who made this year’s Homecoming festivities so special!