New Beginnings as Incoming 1L's Attend Orientation Week

Press Date
August 23, 2024
Dean O'Connor addresses full classroom of incoming students.


This week, we welcomed our incoming 1Ls to the law school for orientation. It has been energizing to have them and their enthusiasm on campus. The new class of 137 students is extremely engaged and impressive. They boast a record-high median undergraduate GPA of 3.91 and a record-tying median LSAT score of 165. This class represents 61 undergraduate schools, 38 majors, with seven students holding advanced degrees. They collectively speak 22 languages besides English, and have studied or traveled abroad to 90 different countries.

Highlights of orientation week included mock contracts classes and other sessions featuring our talented faculty members and students; a welcome to the profession, oath and pinning ceremony, led by alumnus and former Florida Bar president, John Frost ('68); a professionalism panel led by members of the Young Lawyers Division of the Florida Bar; and workshops on outlining and preparing for exams. The new students also had an opportunity to learn about many of our outstanding student groups during a fair with student leaders from more than 25 law school student organizations. We are all delighted to have our new 1Ls on campus and are excited as they join the FSU Law family!