New Law and Technology Course

Generative AI for Lawyers: An Introduction speakers
(clockwise from top left) Shawn Bayern,
Aaron Voloj Dessauer, and Katya Fisher
During the upcoming academic year, we are introducing exciting courses related to technology and the law. This fall, we are offering a course that will introduce law students to the intersection of law and technological innovation, exploring the legal implications and challenges posed by emerging technologies. Students enrolled in our Law and Technological Innovation course will gain a comprehensive understanding of how the law interacts with technological advancements and learn to analyze and address legal issues arising from disruptive technologies. The course will cover a range of topics, including intellectual property, privacy, cybersecurity, artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the regulation of emerging technologies. We are delighted to welcome Katya Fisher, who serves as executive vice chairman of Constructor Group, to teach Law and Technological Innovation at the law school this fall.
In the spring, we will offer Artificial Intelligence and the Law, taught by alumnus Ben Odom, who serves as vice president – business and legal affairs for NASCAR, and Rich Harper, who is partner-in-charge of the New York Office of Baker Botts, L.L.P. The seminar will equip students with the knowledge and skill set to address the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and the law. It will focus on a variety of AI-related legal issues, ranging from which governmental agencies are and will likely be regulating AI to a discussion of data privacy, intellectual property rights, and contract and tort liability issues arising from the use of AI.
These new courses are being offered in conjunction with the establishment of our Law & Technology Institute, which will provide opportunities for academics, practitioners, and students of various disciplines to collaboratively examine the promises of evolving technologies outside the law, while also highlighting the role of law and legal ethics in our digital world. More information about this new institute, including ways alumni can get involved, will be covered in future issues of the newsletter.
Posted 8.4.23