
Legislative Power

This course explores the nature and scope of the power vested in the legislature by the Florida Constitution and how that power differs from powers vested in the other two branches of state government and from the power vested in Congress. It covers the philosophical underpinnings of legislative power; how the exercise of that power is limited both by vertical and horizontal separation of powers and by other textual and structural components of the Florida Constitution; and how competition between the legislature and the other two branches manifests itself in various ways.

The Law and Business of Investment Management

This course provides an introduction to the investment management industry. It covers the roles of the various members of the ecosystem, such as manufacturers, distributors, and asset managers and owners, and has a special focus on the building blocks behind successful financial products and services. The course will also examine the disruption promised by innovations like cryptocurrencies and robo-advisors. Regular participation from senior industry executives is expected.

Lawyers as Leaders

This course will help students recognize and develop their leadership potential, for both future employment and within their communities at large. Students will engage in guided self-examination to identify interests, strengths, and potential areas for growth. Leaders from various fields of practice will share their leadership experiences, informing students of the opportunities available to them and providing advice for building the skills necessary to obtain and succeed in those opportunities.

Executive Power

This course, taught by the two top lawyers for the Florida governor, provides students with a detailed overview of the executive branch, both federal and state. Students learn the constitutional authority of the president of the United States, and of the governor of Florida, along with challenges to the limits of that authority. Issues explored include the full expanse of what is involved in executing the law, including the role of commander-in-chief, the decision to veto legislation, the duty to enforce the law, and the ability to appoint judges.

Health Law

This course will provide a survey of issues related to health law. Students will learn about the distinct nature of the health care market and how it raises the potential need for legal intervention. The course will touch on the duties arising from the provider-patient relationship and the liability of providers and health care organizations. Students will explore the structure and weaknesses of health care and insurance markets, the provisions of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), the ongoing litigation surrounding the PPACA, and some new health care reform proposals.