Bianca Devaney

Devaney headshot
3rd Year
Florida State University
Garnerville, New York
Area of Interest
Labor and employment law

What are your post-graduation plans?
After I graduate and take the bar exam, I will be moving back up north. I will be working for a labor and employment law firm located in New Jersey.

What is your favorite thing about FSU Law?
My favorite thing about FSU Law is the people. The school is filled with genuine people who want you to succeed. The relationships and friendships I have made during my time at FSU Law will stay with me forever.

What has been the best experience you have had at the College of Law thus far?
The best experience that I have had in law school thus far was competing in my moot court competition. I presented an oral argument at the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals and gained substantial practical experience in the courtroom.