Candice Hopkins

Candice Hopkins headshot
3rd Year
Florida A&M University
Daytona Beach, Florida
Area of Interest
Business law

What do you feel is unique about Tallahassee or the College of Law?
Tallahassee is a hidden gem. It provides a small/big city vibe while maintaining its southern charm.

What has been your most challenging experience in the College of Law thus far?
My most challenging experience in the College of Law has been balancing the workload.

Why did you become a Student Ambassador?
I became a Student Ambassador because I want to be a resource for prospective students. As a nontraditional student, mother, wife and employee -- I bring a different and diverse perspective to life of a law student. I want to be an example to those who feel like it's not possible to accomplish law school while juggling outside commitments.

Give one fun fact about yourself.
As a child, I was on a Nickelodeon game show. I won a trip to Cayman Islands.