Connor Salliotte
Why did you choose the College of Law?
There are so many factors that appealed to me about FSU College of Law. However, the one that meant the most to me and ultimately drove my decision to attend was how student-centered the law school is. On my first tour of the school, I was shown that the faculty offices are in the same corridors where the students walk in between classes. I loved that it was important that the faculty be so accessible to the students. The school truly does all they can to ensure FSU Law maintains an environment in which students can thrive.
What do you feel is unique about Tallahassee and/or the College of Law?
Tallahassee is an incredibly unique blend of a "college-town" feel and professionalism. I've really enjoyed how the city feels young, and offers a lot to do as a student, while also providing unique job opportunities. For example, there are wonderful clerkship opportunities available to law students that are only possible at a school like FSU. Another huge advantage of FSU's location is that it is within walking distance of the Florida Supreme Court. This proximity has allowed for a close relationship to form between the court and the law school, and one of the perks of that relationship is that there are current members of the Florida Supreme Court who teach classes at the school.
How have you interacted with our alumni network?
Career Services has been an amazing resource in helping me decide my interest areas and then putting me in touch with recent alumni who practice in those areas. I have recently been in contact with an alum who assisted me in preparing for on-campus interviews.
Which professor has been particularly helpful to you during your time at the College of Law?
I had the opportunity to have Professor Seidenfeld, who has been very helpful and accessible throughout my time at FSU. He, as well as all professors here, have an open-door policy and always took the time to help me understand the more complex topics. Professor Sevier has also been incredibly instrumental in helping me. He has an excellent teaching style that's fun and engaging.