Genesis Gutierrez

Gutierrez headshot
2nd Year
Florida State University
West Palm Beach, Florida
Area of Interest
Personal injury and immigration law

Why should a prospective student choose FSU College of Law?
Choosing FSU was the best decision I ever made, and I cannot advocate for it enough! If you want to be in an encouraging environment, where professors and fellow students are constantly willing to help you out, this is the place to be.

What are your post-graduation plans?
As of right now, I hope to move back to South Florida after graduating. I'm still not sure what area of law I specifically want to go into yet, but I'm hoping to figure that out within the next few years.

What has been the best experience you have had at the College of Law thus far?
Some of my favorite experiences so far have been socials put together by the Student Bar Association. They are a great way to talk to upperclassmen and other 1Ls who aren't in your section.