Kayley Riley

What are your post-graduation plans?
My post-graduation plans are to work in my legal interest area at a private firm or as in-house counsel for a hospital or large medical group.
What is your favorite thing about FSU Law?
My favorite things about FSU Law are the welcoming/friendly environment and our great professors. The professors are accessible, responsive, and always willing to help. They want to get to know you, so they host coffee and tea hours (outside of office hours) where you can basically talk to them about anything.
What has been the best experience you have had at the College of Law thus far?
The best experience I have had thus far was helping organize an event hosted by the Health Law Society (HLS). HLS welcomed a local firm who came to speak with students interested in health law. The firm informed us of the job opportunities available under the health law umbrella and told us a little about what they do at their jobs.