FSU Law J.D. Class of 2025

Members of the new 1L class during orientation
FSU Law is excited to have an extremely accomplished new 1L class on campus! The class of 2025 has a record high median LSAT score and undergraduate GPA, at 165 and 3.83, respectively. Students bring remarkably diverse backgrounds and experiences to FSU Law, thereby enriching the classroom experience for everyone. The 1L class is relatively small at 114 students, they hail from 22 different states and 14 countries, and range in age from 20-42. Students graduated from 49 undergraduate institutions, with 30 different majors, and earned 12 advanced degrees prior to law school. 75.7% are first-generation law students, and three members of the class have served in the military. Students have traveled abroad to more than 110 countries and speak almost 20 languages in addition to English. Their interests range from tennis to paleontology to video games. In addition, two of the students are a married couple, one student is a new mom to an infant, and another student was a scholarship athlete on a university track team. FSU Law professors and administrators are looking forward to building relationships with the new 1Ls.
Published on August 26, 2022