Student Organizations

CABA Board 2021

Students at the College of Law are committed to achieving excellence in law school, and their contributions are critical to the school's intellectual and social life. The numerous student-run organizations and journals attest to their drive, energy, and ambition. Below is a list of our existing student organizations and their contact information. In some cases, links are available to web pages created and maintained by the student organizations.

The College of Law also has several co-curricular organizations including the Florida State University Law Review, the Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law, the Journal of Transnational Law and Policy as well as Moot Court and Trial Team programs. More information on our co-curricular programs can be found here.

Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)

APALSA at FSU Law was created to support and advocate for Asian American Pacific Islanders in the legal community and as a whole. We aim to advocate for AAPI leadership within the legal field, increase awareness of concerns of the Asian community, and strengthen relationships within and outside of the law school.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Veronica Porges
Vice President - Debbie Aspromonti
Treasurer - Patrick Lim
Secretary - Sarah Augustine
Faculty Advisor - Christopher Busch

Association for Criminal Justice

The Association for Criminal Justice (ACJ) aims to provide students with a practical insight into criminal law matters from judicial, prosecutorial, and defense perspectives. The ACJ further seeks to educate students and the community about issues impacting the criminal justice system.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Matthew Schwan
Vice President - Elizabeth Duprey
Secretary - Veronica Porges
Treasurer - Timothy Robinson
Alumni/Activities Coordinator - Caitlin McMahon
Faculty Advisor - Wayne A. Logan

Black Law Students Association (BLSA)

The Delores Poindexter Auzenne Chapter of the Black Law Students Association (BLSA) at Florida State Law exists to promote a more balanced and perfect union among all law students; to assist in the matriculation of BLSA members at the College of Law; and to enhance the social, intellectual and spiritual lives of BLSA members, the Florida State Law body and the community-at-large.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Tavaura Wardlow
Vice President - Jordan Wheeler
Treasurer - Jaida Hall
Secretary - Gabriel Smith
Community Service Chair - Dahlia Al-Haleem
LL.M. Liaison - Jessica Balogun
Faculty Advisor - Karusha Sharpe

Business Law Society (BLS)

The BLS is a student-run organization dedicated to promoting social and academic interaction among Florida State University College of Law students interested in the various aspects of business, corporate and financial law. The goal of the BLS is to enhance the legal education of our members and to promote an interdisciplinary curriculum in business, corporate and financial law that builds upon the resources of Florida State University College of Law and provide students with unique opportunities to interact with various legal practitioners in the community, faculty and staff, and local corporate counsel.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Madison McFerran
Vice President - Diego Hemelberg
Treasurer - Jessica Beasom
Secretary - Mirah AbuLaban
Activities Chair - Joseph Preller
2L Rep - Sheldon Burnell

Christian Legal Society (CLS)

The mission of this CLS student chapter is to maintain a vibrant Christian Law Fellowship at Florida State Law, which enables its members, individually and as a group, to love the Lord with their whole beings — hearts, souls and minds — and to love their neighbors as themselves. In accomplishing this mission, this chapter focuses on: cultivating spiritual growth through communal prayer, fellowship and worship; showing the love of Christ to the campus community and the community at large by proclaiming the gospel in word and in deed; and addressing the question, "What does it mean to be a Christian in law?," that is, learning to submit every aspect of one's calling in the legal profession to the Lordship of Jesus Christ.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Caden O'Connell
Vice President - Robert Helt
Treasurer - Sofia Higgins

Cuban American Bar Association (CABA)

The mission and purpose of CABA FSU LAW is to provide opportunities for student members to engage with legal professionals, further networking opportunities for members with local professionals in all areas of legal practice, and educate members about career opportunities within the Cuban Community. New networking and potential career opportunities will be created by hosting networking events through the Cuban American Bar Association, or “parent organization”, inviting guest speakers to come to the school, and offering mentoring opportunities for all students, providing more internships and job opportunities, as well as professional development and job development through OCI. These will be some of the main goals of the organization with the participation of CABA members throughout South Florida and the rest of the United States.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Ana Gitli
Internal Vice President - Lauren Locke
External Vice President - Joel Vallejo
Treasurer - Genesis Gutierrez
Secretary - Roxana Gerardo Fernandez

Election Law Society

The Election Law Society hosts guest speakers, networking events, and chats with election professionals to bring together students and practitioners in the field. The organization intends to raise awareness of career paths in the field of election law.

2024-2025 Executive Board

President - Leila Basili
Treasurer Molly Adamo

Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Society (EASL)

To promote and support interest in the current issues affecting entertainment and sports law, and to establish and cultivate networks within this specialized legal community for the purpose of providing interested Florida State Law students with access to information regarding the availability of professional opportunities.

2024-25 Executive Board

Director of Arts - Madeleine Seigel
Director of Sports - Garrison McDaniel
Assistant Director, Arts - Jordan Wheeler
Assistant Director, Sports - Nate Lazor
External Secretary - Haley Hauk-Landon
Internal Secretary - Kendall Eatherly
Treasurer - Justin Couceyro

Environmental Law Society (ELS)

The Environmental Law Society (ELS) provides a forum to address key environmental law issues on the local, state and federal levels, as well as functioning as a group available to participate in local environmental cleanups and fund raisers. ELS provides its members with opportunities to travel to national environmental law conferences and to make contact with state and local environmental employers through pro bono and internship opportunities.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Zachary Roper
Vice President - Matthew Scarbrough
Treasurer - Alyssa Gagnon
Secretary - Karla Armstrong
Faculty Advisor - Shi-Ling Hsu

Federal Bar Association at FSU (FBA at FSU)

The Federal Bar Association at FSU (FBA at FSU) serves as a student chapter of the national Federal Bar Association at the Florida State University College of Law. The purposes of the SFBA are to further the objectives of the Federal Bar Association, to represent the Association to law students at the Florida State University, to stimulate the interest of law students in the activities of the Association, and to conduct programs of interest and value to law students. 

2024-2025 Executive Board

President - Veronica Porges
Vice President - Sarah Augustine
Treasurer - Matthew Schwan
Secretary - Emily Rosenthal
Faculty Advisor - Michael Morley

Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

The Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies is a non-partisan organization dedicated to fostering balanced and open debate about the fundamental principles of freedom, federalism, and the role of the judiciary. The Federalist Society seeks to educate the legal community through its programs and publications about how limited constitutional government based on the rule of law can have a positive effect on law and public policy.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Michael Bartnick
Vice President - Nicole Finkel
Treasurer - Mason Bennett
Secretary - Florencia Miguez
Membership Chair - Jack O’Neil
National Liaison - Audrey Jackson
3L Rep - Zach Homeijer
2L Rep - Abigail Morgan
Faculty Advisor - Jacob Eisler

Florida State University Business Review

The purpose of the Florida State University Business Review is to provide a scholarly forum for contemporary legal discourse and to address the issues and concerns transforming the business community.

2024-25 Executive Board

Editor-in-Chief - Stephen Fowler
Managing Editor - Abby Zielinkski
Writing & Research Editor - Trey Briggs

Related Links

FSU Master of Business Administration Home Page

Articles and more information are available on the FSU Business Review site.

Florida State University Law Review

The Florida State University Law Review is the flagship legal journal of the Florida State University College of Law. The members of the Law Review publish the journal four times per year from Tallahassee, Florida.

2024-25 Executive Board

Editor in Chief - Kole Kolasa
Executive Editor - Kimberly Ciarcia
Executive Editor - Angela Romero
Executive Editor - Charys Rhiannon Olivia Smith
Executive Editor - Alyssa Hawthorne
Managing Editor - Taylor Collins
Executive Article Selection Editor - Monique Clayton
Executive Online Publication Editor - Paz Garcia Griego
Executive Notes & Comments Editor - Morgan Taylor Waltimyer
Notes & Comments Editor - Lloyd Briggs
Notes & Comments Editor - Logan Gray
Notes & Comments Editor - Jacob Phelps
Notes & Comments Editor - Will Hosford
Article Editor - Matthew Galant
Article Editor - Zachary Homeijer
Article Editor - Nicholas Lower
Article Editor - Joshua Gessner
Article Selection Editor - James King
Florida Style Manual Editor - Michael Bartnick
Faculty Advisor - Michael Morley
Faculty Advisor - Shawn Bayern

Health Law Society (HLS)

The Health Law Society offers members the opportunity to engage in discussions with respected professionals in the health law community, providing valuable insights into potential career paths. While many health law students aim for traditional careers, others are interested in exploring alternative options. Our objective is to showcase a variety of job opportunities through speakers and panels. We also aim to deepen members' understanding of healthcare and legal issues by inviting professors and local law firms to delve into the latest topics in health law. Periodically, HLS collaborates with other student organizations to expand student access and awareness through joint events. These gatherings foster connections among students who share similar career aspirations, facilitating valuable networking opportunities.

2024-2025 Executive Board

President - Kayley Riley
Vice President - Sarika Madan
Treasurer - Alexandra Donisi
Secretary - Joey Vallejo
Faculty Advisor - Alisa Duke

Hispanic Law Students Association (HLSA)

The organization seeks the advancement of Hispanic-Latinos at Florida State University’s College of Law, as well as in the legal community at large. By providing social and academic support, along with networking opportunities, HLSA is confident that they can increase the presence of Hispanic people in the legal field.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Nicholas Texidor
Vice President - Ameera Sabit
Secretary - Jonathan Hestres-Rivera
Treasurer - Franco Darsin Calderale
3L Rep - Aksel Rendon
2L Rep - Brian Litang
Communications Chair - Elizabeth Duprey
Faculty Advisor - Adria Quintela

International Law Students Association (ILSA)

The purpose of the Florida State International Law Students Association (ILSA) is to educate the university community about the increasing relevance of international law to the environment, human rights, world peace, business and trade. ILSA sponsors speakers from around the world on various pertinent topics related to international law. ILSA also provides information regarding study abroad programs, foreign internships and career opportunities in international law. To promote the understanding of different cultures, ILSA sponsors cultural events, such as the annual Around the World Dinner. All Florida State Law students are invited to join ILSA.  

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Jonathan Carden
Vice President - Lexi Low
Treasurer - Carina Foran
Secretary - Andrea Garcia
2L Rep - Claudia Hopper
Social Media Chair - Dandan Zhong

Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA)

As members of the JLSA, we focus on the importance of connection and community in Judaism. We strive to serve the Seminole Law community as a support system and a source of unity for both Jewish and non-Jewish students to learn and socialize together while also promoting an environment of tolerance for students of all faith traditions. We welcome students of all backgrounds, all levels of Judaism (or lack thereof) and representatives of all those in the greater Tallahassee legal profession.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Nicole Finkel
Vice President - Jillian Melinek
Treasurer - David Glasser
Secretary - Connor Supple

Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law (JLUEL)

The Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law (ISSN 0892-4880) is published twice a year, fall and spring, by the Journal of Land Use & Environmental Law at the Florida State University College of Law. The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the Journal, its editors or staff, or the College of Law. 

2024-25 Executive Board

Editor in Chief - Mitchell Tozian
Admin Editor - Annalise Griffin
Associate Editor - Sarika Madan
Executive Editor - Hannah Robinson
Executive Editor - Sheldon Burnell
Senior Article Selection Editor - Nicholas Lower

Journal of Transnational Law & Policy (JTL&P)

The Journal of Transnational Law & Policy (ISSN 1067-8182) is published once per year at The Florida State University College of Law. The views expressed in published material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the policies or opinions of the Journal, its editors or staff, or Florida State University.

2024-25 Executive Board

Editor-in-Chief - Nicholas Lower
Managing Editor - Dimple Singla
Senior Articles Selection Editor - Minna Jia
Writing & Research Editor - Nyah German
Executive Editor - Nicholas Lower
Executive Editor - Christen Asiedu

Law School Council (LSC)

The purpose of LSC is to represent Law School registered student organizations (RSOs) before all budgetary committees of SGA and the Congress of Graduate Students, to sub-allocate funds to Law School RSOs, and to monitor and coordinate the budget activities of the various Law School RSOs.  LSC is comprised of seven law students elected as Members-at-Large by the Law School Student Body.

2024-25 Organization Leaders

Chair - Madeleine Siegel
Vice Chair - Morgan Palermo
Treasurer - Jay McArthur
External Secretary - Annalena Zinati
Internal Secretary - Phoebe Mori
Planning Commission - Kayley Riley

Law Students Practicing Wellness

Law Students Practicing Wellness is an activist, support, and social club that seeks to provide law students with the tools and resources for mental health in law school and the legal field. 

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Sarah Kilpatrick
Vice President - Brian Litang
Secretary - Lexi Cook
Treasurer - Patrick Lim
Upperclassmen Rep. - Spencer Moreno
Social Media Chair - Tazara Weilhammer

Middle Eastern Law Association (MELA)

The Middle Eastern Law Association (MELA) is committed to fostering a vibrant and supportive community. Our mission is to create strong bonds with other student organizations on campus and the broader legal network, thereby enhancing collaboration, knowledge-sharing, and professional development opportunities. We aim to share and celebrate Middle Eastern culture, while also embracing the cultures represented on our campus. By creating a welcoming, inclusive environment and facilitating meaningful connections, we aim to empower future legal professionals, enhance the representation of individuals from the Middle East in the legal field, and make a positive contribution to the legal profession.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Mirah AbuLaban
Vice President - Annalena Zinati-Melon
Secretary - Akram Laroussi

Moot Court

Established in 1968, the Florida State College of Law Moot Court Team is one of the nation's leading university moot court teams. The Moot Court Team annually contends in regional, national and international competitions where teams of two to three members compete against other law school moot court teams. Issues in past competitions have included the First Amendment, Criminal Law, Intellectual Property, Sports Law, International Law, Environmental Law, Evidence, Workers' Compensation, Cyber Law, Corporate Law, Securities, Labor and Employment, Entertainment and Communications Law.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Harrison Otto
Vice President - Tara Bagherlee
Treasurer - Sam Brodigan
Secretary - Deborah Kloeckner
Editorial Chair - Arnele Francis
Intramural Chair - Charys Smith
Intramural Co-Chair - Mason Bennett
Intramural Co-Chair - Nyah German
PR/Final Four Co-Chair - Allison Laudadio
PR/Final Four Co-Chair - John Barry
PR/Final Four Co-Chair - Zach Homeijer
PR/Final Four Co-Chair - Ray Emmerson
Competition Chair - Spencer Moreno
Alumni Relations Chair - Matthew Henderson
Social Media Chair - Kobe Jones
Faculty Advisor - Robert Atkinson


OUTLaw seeks to provide a platform for all students to learn about the legal issues facing gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and other queer people. OUTLaw sponsors events throughout the year to increase awareness of issues and to foster discussion of the current state of LGBTQIA+ law at the national, state and local levels. OUTLaw is committed to working with allied organizations on campus to better the Florida State community and ensure that LGBTQ students are treated with the same respect as the student body as a whole. OUTLaw also exists to help students connect with the LGBTQIA+ community in Tallahassee. We welcome and encourage all law students to join OUTLaw, regardless of orientation and gender.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Tazara Weilhammer
Vice President - Jacki McQuilikan
Secretary - Katherine Hernandez
Treasurer - Karla Armstrong
Social Media Chair - Sydney McLain

Public Interest Law Students Association (PILSA)

Public Interest Law Students Association (PILSA) is to be an inclusive organization - inclusive of all students who express curiosity about public interest as well as all fields/aspects of this realm of law. This broad legal area is about helping those who need it most; protecting victims’ rights and serving the State; advocating for children, veterans, survivors of attacks and trauma, elderly and/or disabled citizens, policies to the benefit of society’s vulnerable, and the environment; working within government to protect the integrity and accessibility of state and federal laws; and championing the ideal of Equal Justice Under Law. Students face great opportunities throughout school to serve in the public interest and it is the intent of PILSA to help inspire, educate, and equip graduates to utilize their legal skills and passions to work towards a more just and equitable society for all.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Hannah Robinson
Vice President - Anthony Freed
Secretary - Danielle Collum
Treasurer - Zachary Roper
Social Media Chair - Jessica Featherston

Real Property, Probate & Trust Law Society (RPPTLS)

The purpose of this organization is to provide a forum for students of the Florida State University College of Law to discuss issues pertaining to the field of Real Property, Probate, and Trust law. It will allow students to network with attorneys, both local and otherwise, and will help students to learn about opportunities and advancements within the fields.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Morgan Waltimyer
Vice President - Riley Cornell
Treasurer - Harrison Otto
Secretary - Morgan Palermo
2L Rep - Jonathan Carden
Faculty Advisor - Rima Nathan

Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF)

To provide a forum for education, advocacy and scholarship aimed at protecting the lives and advancing the interests of animals through the legal system, raising the profile of the field of animal law. The FSU Law Chapter is one of 161 around the country.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Samantha Joles
Vice President - Karelis Albornoz
Treasurer - Cate Coates
Secretary - Julia Willis
National Chair - Sarah Augustine
Pro Bono Chair - Matthew Galant
Volunteer Chair - Matthew Scarbrough

Student Bar Association (SBA)

SBA serves as the representative of the College of Law student body to discover and manifest its collective desires, to secure the benefits of mutual association, and to further the legal, academic, and social interests of its members and the College of Law. FSU Law Student Bar Association's main goal is to improve the overall quality of life for all students attending Florida State University College of Law. SBA offers the perfect opportunity to become involved in an organization that is constantly working to make the experience at FSU Law more enjoyable, rewarding, and fun. Further, SBA offers countless opportunities to become engaged and enjoy extracurricular activities while benefiting FSU Law and the Tallahassee community.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Allison Laudadio
Vice President/ABA Representative - James Blount
Treasurer - Joshua Gallagher
Secretary - Garrison McDaniel
3L Rep - Francesca Cuttitta
2L Rep - Diego Hemelberg
2L Rep - Haley Hauk-Landon
1L Rep (Section A) - Andrew Louis
1L Rep (Section B) - Olivia Callari
1L Rep (Section C) - Gambill Dallas
Faculty Advisor - Mark Seidenfeld

Transfer Student Organization (TSO)

The purpose of the Florida State Law Transfer Student Organization (TSO) is to help facilitate a smooth transition for new transfer students. This organization is open to the entire Florida State Law student body. TSO will help all transfers become acclimated with Florida State Law, Tallahassee and the local legal community. It is important to the TSO executive board to help new students with any questions or concerns they may have that are different than their previous schools.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Caden O'Connell
Vice President - Tazara Weilhammer
Secretary - Karla Armstrong
Social Chair - Gregory Raymaker
Treasurer - Alyssa Gagnon
PR Chair - Ben Lambert

Trial Team

The College of Law Trial Team consists of an elite group of law students trained in the art of trial-level litigation. Each year, team members represent the Florida State University College of Law in competitions against other students from law schools across the nation. At these competitions, team members present cases before judge and jury. Cases encompass a wide range of topics in both the civil and criminal arenas. Case topics have included insurance fraud, homicide, intentional infliction of emotional distress, negligence and wrongful death.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Lauren Locke
Vice President - Adriana Pizarro
Secretary - Caroline Banks
Treasurer - Taylor Saunders
Social Chair - Kevin Peter
Competition Chair - Daniel Cannon
Competition Chair - Simon Prado
Advisor - Sara Hassler

Women's Law Symposium (WLS)

WLS is dedicated to promoting the status of women in the legal community. WLS provides a forum for the discussion of issues concerning legal education and provides program to advance and assist students throughout their law school career, including networking with local attorneys and other leadership opportunities.  WLS also actively participates in charitable and voluntary causes in the community, as well as sponsors annual philanthropic events within the law school community.

2024-25 Executive Board

President - Lexi Cook
Vice President - Savannah Bass
VP of Internal Affairs - Nathalie Are
VP of External Affairs - Lilly Martin
VP of Finance - Ashvi Luthra
VP of Events - Alexa Kays
Faculty Advisor - Nancy Benavides