
Florida Department of Children and Families

Credits: 6-9

The Florida Department of Children and Families is responsible for representing the state’s interest in juvenile proceedings, as well as protecting children from neglect and/or abuse. Students in this office are assigned their own caseloads under supervision. Students obtain a working knowledge of juvenile dependency law. Students interview clients and Department caseworkers, draft original petitions, motions, and orders; and argue the Department’s position at hearings. 

Florida Attorney General - State Programs

Credits: 6

Students assist in defending governmental agencies of the State of Florida against a variety of civil claims. Activities include researching and drafting memoranda, participating in all phases of discovery, drafting motions, and assisting in the general preparation of cases for trial. Students have an opportunity to develop skills in fact gathering and field investigation, identifying and applying facts to law, developing case strategy, and drafting legal documents.

Florida Attorney General - Antitrust

Credits: 4

Students externing in the Antitrust branch of the Attorney General's office assist in the investigation and prosecution of antitrust violations. Students engage in pretrial investigations through the division's civil investigative authority and formal discovery. Students participate in case planning sessions, and also participate in and atend settlement negotiations. Because of the complexity of the division's caseload, students are not assigned primary responsibility for cases. 

Florida Attorney General - Administrative Law

Credits: 6 

Students externing in the Administrative Law Section assist in the various aspects of serving as legal counsel to numerous state boards. Students have opportunities to draft and defend proposed agency rules. Students will attend and observe board meetings and participate in administrative hearings and subsequent appeals. Students' duties include legal research, drafting of legal memoranda, agency orders and briefs, and case preparation for administrative hearings. 

Disability Rights Florida

Credits: 6

Disability Rights Florida litigates cases on behalf of people suffering mental or physical disabilities. Cases involve such issues as educational discrimination, Baker Act procedures, excessive restraints used against mentally disabled individuals, vocational rehabilitation, and Medicaid awards. The Center litigates individual as well as class action cases.