FSU Law Black Alumni Network (BAN)


The Florida State University College of Law Black Alumni Network (the “Network”) empowers and supports the Black students, alumni, faculty and staff of the Florida State University College of Law (the “College of Law”) in order to assist those individuals and the College of Law as a whole in achieving their full potential.


The Network envisions a College of Law on the forefront of addressing the historic marginalization of Black people, including their historical underrepresentation in the practice of law, through targeted support of Black students, alumni, faculty and staff of the College of Law.


  • Facilitate a name change for the College of Law to a name that respects the historical contributions of Black people to the College of Law’s success.
  • To provide direct support to Black students, alumni, faculty and staff of the College of Law through recruitment, scholarships, hiring and retention.
  • To increase networking and idea sharing among Black students, alumni, faculty and staff at the College of Law.
  • To directly support the College of Law in its efforts to positively effect the foregoing goals.

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The BAN OUTLOOK Newsletter & Emails

BANtv Interview Episodes 

Make a Gift

Gifts support programming, scholarships and professorships that align with the mission, vision and goals of the FSU College of Law Black Alumni Network. Make an online contribution.


Executive Officers

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President: G.C. Murray II ('12)

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President-Elect: Kenneth Pratt ('99)

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Secretary: Maria'h Givens ('19)

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Treasurer: Sharee Davis Foster ('11)

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General Counsel: Sam Gilot ('16)

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Immediate Past President: Conti Moore Smith ('07)

Committee Chairs

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Liaison to The Florida Bar Board of Governors: President-Elect designate Sia Baker-Barnes ('00)

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Liaison to The Florida Bar Young Lawyers Division Board of Governors: Freddelle Menard ('20)

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Judicial Chair: The Honorable Anthony Miller ('00)

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Governance Committee Chair: Sam Gilot ('16)

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BANtv Host: Marlon Hill ('95)

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Liaison to the FSU BLSA: President Larry Lynn (3L)

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Faculty Liason:

Glenda Thornton ('89), assistant dean for strategic initiatives and legal writing professor

History of the Black Alumni Network

(L-R) Founders Smith-Gordon, Spratling and Henderson

The FSU College of Law Black Alumni Network (BAN) was created, in partnership with the Office of Development and Alumni Affairs, to address the impact of systemic racism on the matriculation of Black law students, the marginalization of Black lawyers and the historic underrepresentation of Black people in the practice of law. Jasmyne Henderson ('15), a Black Alumni Network co-founder, recognized the individual efforts of a growing group of law school alumni to address these issues and urged the law school to form the Black Alumni Network. Henderson, along with co-founders Salesia Smith-Gordon ('92) and Kareem J. Spratling ('06), agreed that the network should be formed to help Black alumni coalesce resources, connect networks and share ideas. To this end, the co-founders and charter members formalized BAN in December 2020 around the ideals of achievement, equity and equality with the goals of establishing an organization that can continue to address the unique challenges of our professional pipeline, bring valued support to the College of Law’s students and faculty, and support Black Alumni Network members in their efforts to bring change to their communities. 

Founding members

Salesia Smith-Gordon (’92)

Kareem J. Spratling (’06)

Jasmyne Henderson (’15)

Charter members

Rosalyn “Sia” Baker-Barnes (’00)

Curt Bender (‘18)

Anika Boyce (’16)

Earnest DeLoach, Jr. (’99)

Alicia Dixon (’10)

A. Mireille Fall-Fry (’04)

Josiah Graham (’14)

Jasmyne Henderson (’15)

Marlon Hill (’95)

Adrian Mood, Jr. (’13)

G.C. Murray, II (’12)

Sean Pittman (’94)

Kenneth Pratt (’99)

Jennito Simon (’13)

Conti Smith (’07)

Salesia Smith-Gordon (’92)

Kareem J. Spratling (’06)

Daniel Vogt (’84)