Douglas A. Kahn (1934-2021)
Douglas A. Kahn (1934-2021)
Florida State University
College of Law
Roberts Hall, Room 236
Phone: 850.644.4287
B.A., University of North Carolina
J.D., George Washington University Law School
Douglas A. Kahn is a visiting professor at FSU College of Law. He is teaching Corporate Tax during the spring 2020 semester. A graduate of the University of North Carolina and The George Washington University Law School, he joined the faculty at the University of Michigan Law School in 1964 and is now the Paul G. Kauper Professor of Law Emeritus. He has taught courses including Tax Planning for Business Transactions, Taxation of Individual Income, Corporate Taxation, Partnership Tax and Legal Process.
Prior to beginning his academic career, Professor Kahn practiced in Washington, D.C., and served as a trial attorney with both the civil and tax divisions of the U.S. Department of Justice.