University of West Florida

3+3 Accelerated Law Program for University of West Florida Students

The Florida State University College of Law is accepting applications from college juniors at the University of West Florida as part of a 3+3 program. Under the program, students who meet certain admission requirements can complete a bachelor’s degree and a law degree in six years rather than the traditional seven, saving a year of time and costs.


University of West Florida students who meet the following criteria shall be eligible to apply to the Florida State University College of Law through the 3+3 Accelerated Law Program at UWF during the junior year (as early as fall semester):

  • Earn a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.2 in courses taken at UWF as of the date of application.
  • Complete at least 90 undergraduate credits prior to matriculation at the law school. A minimum of 25% of total credits for the bachelor's degree must have been earned at UWF.

Students meeting the above criteria will be eligible for consideration for early admission to the College of Law. The law school admissions process requires that students:

  • Take the LSAT during (or prior to) their junior year and earn a score acceptable for admission
  • Apply for admission by the published deadline during the student’s junior year or as otherwise established by the law school
  • Meet the law school’s requirements for moral fitness and character as set out in its admissions application
  • Pay the same tuition and fees for law school as do other first-year students

UWF students with questions regarding eligibility to apply to the 3+3 program under the UWF guidelines outlined above should contact a UWF Legal Studies Program advisor. Once eligibility is determined, questions regarding the application process to the College of Law should be directed to

Florida State University College of Law Contact:
Ralph Keiffer
Senior Admissions Officer

University of West Florida Contact:
Charlie Penrod, J.D.

Professor and Program Coordinator
Legal Studies Pre-Law Program

Admissions Decisions

The Florida State College of Law agrees to notify applicants of its admissions decisions no later than June 1st. Enrollment of 3+3 students will be contingent upon their completion of all bachelor’s degree requirements for the student’s chosen major at UWF. This includes successful completion of at least 90 credit hours toward their UWF degree and a minimum of 30 credit hours successfully completed in residence at UWF. A designated department advisor at UWF will provide the law school a letter certifying such completion. Students not accepted by the Florida State College of Law may still complete their fourth year at UWF and fulfill their remaining requirements to graduate with a bachelor’s degree. They can reapply for regular (not early) admission to the College of Law after that point.

Students can decide to opt out of the 3+3 Accelerated Law Program at any time and elect to fulfill their remaining requirements for graduation with a bachelor’s degree from UWF. Also, students who do not successfully complete their first year of course work at Florida State Law may return to UWF to fulfill their remaining requirements for graduation with a bachelor’s degree.

The College of Law does not guarantee admission; each student must meet the admission standards in place at the time of their application. A denial of admission under the 3+3 program will not foreclose opportunities for the student to apply to the College of Law (as well as other law schools) in the future upon completion of the bachelor’s degree. Any successfully completed course work at the law school will be treated by the university in the same manner as other transfer credit.