Kelly Kaladeen
Why did you choose the College of Law?
I chose FSU College of Law for multiple reasons: the location, the clinical opportunities and the impressive faculty. Being that the law school is only minutes from the Capitol building, I knew that attending FSU Law would provide me with opportunities if I wanted to get involved with government law or the political side of law. Being in Tallahassee is also beneficial because of the various types of people that you can meet who travel to work in the capital, regardless of what their field of practice is. The clinics offered at FSU College of Law also piqued my interest. The Public Interest Law Center offers amazing clinics taught by dedicated and brilliant professors. You can get hands-on legal experience before you graduate—something you don’t get in a traditional classroom.
What do you feel is unique about Tallahassee and/or the College of Law?
Tallahassee is unique because even though it is the capital, it is not a very "hustle and bustle" type of city. I like being able to feel like I am in a big city, while also being able to seclude myself and feel like I am in a small town. Personally, I don’t love either extreme, so living somewhere that gives me the best of both has been great.
What has been the best experience you have had at the College of Law thus far?
My best experience at the COL has been my time with the Gender and Justice Clinic taught by Professor Laroche. I was given the opportunity to create a legal outreach project to help individuals understand the process of filing an injunction/protective order in Florida, send information pertaining to various family law procedures to women in Gadsden Correctional Facility and work directly with a client on her case. I learned so much about myself and the legal field during that semester.
What has been your most challenging experience in law school thus far?
My most challenging experience was dealing with the transition to law school. I had to change the way I prepared for class and studied for exams and struggled with imposter syndrome. My first year of law school definitely had some bumps along the road, but it made me a stronger individual and I am thankful for that.
How have you interacted with our alumni network?
I have interacted with alumni through internships and networking events. Last year, I attended the annual Tallahassee Bar Association Chili Cook-Off, and it was amazing. I met so many lawyers and alumni in a relaxing and fun setting and ate delicious chili! I have also interacted with alumni at student organization events.