Freynaldo Adrian


Freynaldo Adrian is originally from Venezuela where he earned his Bachelor of Law degree from the University Catholic Andres Bello. He studied administrative law at the Central University of Venezuela and holds paralegal and immigration specialist certificates from the University of Miami. Following an extensive and successful career as an attorney and law professor in Venezuela, Adrian emigrated to the United States in 2016 as a result of the political turmoil facing his home country and is currently seeking asylum status in order to become a U.S. citizen and continue his career as a lawyer in in the immigration and international human rights law fields. His accomplishments in consulting include work as legal consultant in the executive, judicial and legislative powers of the federal government in Caracas, Venezuela.

After graduating in spring 2021 from the LL.M. in American Law for Foreign Lawyers program, Adrian would like to work in the field of immigration law. If you are interested in hiring Adrian, please visit his LinkedIn profile.