Law School Hosting ABA Roundtable

Press Date
January 1, 2013
Professor Samuel Wiseman

The Florida State University College of Law will host an American Bar Association Roundtable, “Pretrial Risk Assessment and Community Supervision: Tools to Advance Public Safety,” on Thursday, January 10 from 8:30-11:45 a.m. in Roberts Hall, Room 310 (425 W. Jefferson St.). Hosted for the College of Law by Professor Samuel Wiseman, an expert on pre- and post-trial issues in criminal procedure, the Roundtable will feature panelists discussing a variety of pretrial tools to advance public safety and reduce citizens’ tax burden. The event, co-sponsored by the Florida Sheriffs Association, the Florida Association of Counties, the Florida State University College of Law and the Florida State University Project on Accountable Justice, is free and open to the public.