First DCA Judges Participate in Special Q&A with FSU Law Students

Judge Joseph Lewis, Jr. (’77) during Thursday's virtual Q&A
In celebration of U.S. Constitution Day on Thursday, September 17, the FSU Law Office of Student Advancement hosted a special remote Q&A session with a three-judge panel from the First District Court of Appeal. Judges Joseph Lewis, Jr. (’77), Rachel Nordby (’08) and Robert Long, Jr. answered students’ questions via Zoom. The panel was moderated by Associate Dean for Academic Programs and Student Advancement Nancy Benavides.
Earlier in the day, students had the opportunity to observe the court’s oral arguments in three cases that were conducted remotely. Some of the attorneys who presented oral arguments also attended the Q&A session. The cases were Michael Hamblen, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Samantha Hamblen v. Pilot Travel Centers; R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company v. Margaret Harris, as Personal Representative of the Estate of Richard Harris; and Sunseeker Investments, Inc. v. Enterprise Maintenance and Contracting, Inc., d/b/a Leonard’s Painting & Maintenance and Timothy A. Tadlock, an individual. While the judges were not permitted to answer questions regarding the merits of the cases, they answered student questions about presenting oral arguments, pathways to becoming a judge and what the judges look for in their hiring processes.
Published on September 25, 2020