National Law Journal Rates FSU Law School the Nation's 25th Best for Job Placement

Press Date
April 23, 2014
Dean Don Weidner

TALLAHASSEE — A new National Law Journal report rates Florida State as Florida’s #1 law school, and the nation’s 25th best, in terms of the percentage of 2013 graduates employed nine months after graduation in full-time, long-term, bar passage-required jobs not funded by the school. The report, which was published April 21, is based on American Bar Association data.

"We are thrilled that yet another external organization has rated us the #1 law school in Florida in terms of job placement," said Dean Don Weidner. "We would not be #1 in Florida and the nation’s 25th best without our extremely engaged alumni network. Our alumni provide everything the students need, including networking noshes, mock interviews, regional placement networking receptions and, of course, their job openings."

To view the full report, click here.