PILC Students Advocate for Children
In February, three Public Interest Law Center students published opinion pieces in major newspapers across Florida. 2L Emily Wood published “Florida Should End Solitary Confinement of Children” in the Tampa Bay Times on February 28. 3L Precious Chavez published “Remove Our Children From Solitary Confinement” in the Tallahassee Democrat on February 27. 2L Olivia Ingram published “Ban Solitary Confinement for Children” in the Orlando Sentinel on February 24 and published “Take a Stand Against Child Labor in Cocoa Fields” in the Sarasota Herald Tribune on February 9. Earlier this semester, on January 24, 2L Sofia Azpurua testified at the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Senate Bill 1808, which would prevent the reunification of unaccompanied immigrant children with their caregivers in Florida. She shared the story of a Cuban refugee who came to the U.S. as a child in the 1960s and who would have been turned away if this law had been in effect then.
Published on March 18, 2022