Professor Krieger Receives ABA CoLAP Student Wellness Award

(L-R) ABA Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs Chair Bree Buchanan,

Professor Larry Krieger, ABA CoLAP Law Student Assistance Committee

Chair Janet Stearns, of Miami Law.

Lawrence S. Krieger, FSU Law clinical professor and co-director of clinical externship programs, is the recipient of the 2019 American Bar Association (ABA) Commission on Lawyer Assistance Programs (CoLAP) Meritorious Service Award for Law Student Wellness. The award was presented at the National Conference for Lawyer Assistance Programs in Austin, Texas on September 26.

Krieger is internationally recognized for his research on the well-being, satisfaction, values and motivations of law students and lawyers. His publications on law student well-being and career planning have been used at more than half of the law schools in the United States, Canada and Australia.

The ABA CoLAP has a mission to assure that every judge, lawyer and law student has access to support and assistance when confronting alcoholism, substance use disorders or mental health issues. The Meritorious Service Award for Law Student Wellness was created to recognize a law student, law school, staff or faculty member who has made a significant initiative or contribution toward law mental and physical wellness through prevention, education, intervention and treatment of substance use disorders, addiction and mental illness with the law student population.

In selecting Krieger for this honor the ABA CoLAP cited his dedicated scholarship and tireless advocacy on lawyer and law student happiness, including his efforts in creating the Association of American Law Schools (AALS) Section on Balance in Legal Education. “You have made great strides to abate the impact of academic, professional, financial and personal stressors on law students and thereby improved the future quality of life for legal professionals and legal services,” the ABA noted in a congratulatory letter to Krieger.

In 2016, Krieger received the AALS Section on Student Services Peter N. Kutulakis Student Services Award for his outstanding contributions in provision of service to law students.

Published on October 16, 2019