Our International Human Rights Program includes a wide variety of specialized courses that reflect the expertise of the faculty. Students also have opportunities to participate in robust clinical offerings in the area, including the Children's Advocacy Clinic, the International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic, and the Farmworker & Immigration Rights Clinic, and to extern with the International Bar Association in London. Many FSU Law alumni utilize the training and knowledge they acquired in law school as they conduct sophisticated work in the area of human rights.
Florida State’s D’Alemberte-Ellis Fellowship benefits students who have significant interest in human rights. This unique opportunity provides FSU Law students supplemental financial support for life-altering international practical experience in the human rights practice area. The fellowship helps students interested in human rights law gain practical experience through international legal work that will broaden their horizons and help them develop into future lawyers and global citizens.

The International Human Rights Program at FSU Law owes much to Talbot “Sandy” D’Alemberte (1933-2019), whose desire to help those in need led him to establish FSU’s Center for the Advancement of Human Rights (CAHR) in 2000. The CAHR is housed on FSU Law’s campus, so law students have a unique advantage to access this interdisciplinary resource and to participate in direct advocacy work with refugees, torture survivors, asylum seekers, and trafficking victims. D’Alemberte also co-taught International Human Rights at FSU Law. When he was president of the American Bar Association, D'Alemberte helped create the Central and East European Law Initiative.
For more information on the study of International Human Rights at FSU Law, contact Professor Darby Kerrigan Scott, director of the International Human Rights Advocacy Clinic, at dscott@law.fsu.edu.