
Core Courses


An introduction to the formation, performance and breach of contracts. The course will also introduce students to contract interpretation, damages, conditions, rights of third parties and assignments.

Legislation and Regulation

Obligations imposed by the government on businesses are numerous, substantial and increasing. These obligations emanate mainly from statutes enacted by legislatures and regulations promulgated by administrative agencies. This course explores how statutes and regulations come into existence, when they may be invalid, how courts interpret them, and what steps businesses take in responding to statutory and regulatory initiatives. Business and law have become so intertwined and inseparable that statutes and regulations are not just for lawyers anymore. To perform their responsibilities competently, effectively, and ethically, numerous non-lawyers – including middle-level and top-level executives – must acquire the knowledge and skills needed to navigate regulatory-intensive environments. This course is the foundation for acquiring these competencies.

Regulatory Compliance

An introduction to basic statutes, regulation and administrative practices relevant to regulatory compliance by business entities, financial institutions, and healthcare organizations and practitioners. The course will also introduce students to basic concepts of risk management. Students will learn how to: identify applicable laws, regulations and industry standards necessary to develop an effective compliance management program; construct and implement effective compliance policies and procedures; develop appropriate audit procedures in order to analyze the effectiveness of current policies and procedures, and organize and lead the organization’s response to a regulatory audit or investigation.


The course covers the law of torts or civil wrongs outside contract law. For example, lawsuits for fraud, car accidents, product injuries and negligent management of employees are all tort suits. The course covers the foundations of the “negligence” cause of action, including topics such as duty, breach, causation and damages. It also covers principles of vicarious liability (that is when an organization or employer is responsible for the actions of its employees), economic harms and statutory negligence. The principles and techniques you will learn in this course underlie many other legal subjects that you will later encounter.

Legal Risk Management, Contracting and Governance Electives

Employee Benefits and Compensation

This course provides an overview of the law governing employee benefits plans, including retirement plans (401(k) and pension plans) and welfare benefits plans (life, health, disability, long-term care and post-retirement medical). The course will review the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA), the main federal law regulating employee benefit program, as well as rules governing coverage, vesting, funding, fiduciary standards, claims administration, remedies and preemption of state law.

Business Organizations

An introduction to the law of business organizations, including agency, partnership, and business corporations. Topics include formation and structure of the corporation, power and fiduciary responsibility of management, rights and liabilities of shareholders, shareholders' derivatives litigation, acquisitions and tender offers and insider trading.

Civil Litigation Fundamentals

The potential for lawsuits plays a critical role in business decisions, particularly in regulatory compliance, risk management, and contract procurement and vendor risk management. This is often especially true in highly regulated fields such as healthcare, finance, HR, cybersecurity, and supply chain management. Litigation – whether in front of administrative agencies or courts – is generally the endgame for regulatory, contractual, or other liability problems that institutions may face. This class provides students with a basic understanding of the process of civil litigation in the U.S. We will trace the pathway of a lawsuit from the initial pleading stage to the appeal. Students will gain a solid grasp of the concepts and vocabulary that underlie the U.S. litigation system. Topics include types of lawsuits, forums, pleadings, response, discovery, trial procedures, appeals, administrative adjudication, and arbitration.

Compliance Failures: Investigation, Reporting and Remediation

A study of the obligations of regulated companies when there has been a compliance failure. Topics covered include: audits and other internal governance approaches for discovering compliance problems in a timely fashion; investigations; reporting; mitigation; regulatory responses; and remediation. 

Conducting Workplace Investigations

This course explains the major regulations governing the workplace and the legal and practical approaches to planning, conducting, and documenting internal workplace investigations of employee complaints and suspected employee misconduct.

Consumer Protection Law

A study of consumer protection regulations, including consumer lending, mandatory and voluntary disclosures, common law fraud, and unfair and deceptive acts and practices. 

Contract Risk Management

This class covers contract risk management best practices, as applied to both individual and portfolio of contracts. Topics include contract negotiations, term sheets, pre-contractual liability, contract performance, breach, waivers, post-breach actions, and the relationship between liability and business risks. Students will also learn about key contract terms including representations and warranties, conditions, default, indemnification, arbitration, liquidated damages, and choice of law and venue. 

Data Analytics and Regulatory Compliance

A study of legal and risk management issues surrounding the use of big data analytics, machine learning and other AI technologies by regulators, business firms and other organizations. Special focus is given to issues arising in health care regulation, financial and securities regulation, and employment law—for example, health care fraud and abuse, Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering, economic sanctions, Federal securities Laws, and employment discrimination. Topics include privacy, cybersecurity, algorithmic fairness, smart contracts, robot and computer system accountability, social media censorship, regulatory reporting, monitoring of employees and transactional monitoring.

Employment Discrimination Law

This course provides a practical study of employment discrimination law, which is primarily federal and statutory in nature. The course will examine multiple issues surrounding employment discrimination but will focus on identifying discrimination and advising employers on avoiding claims of discrimination. The course will also examine what happens when a claim of discrimination is filed at both the administrative level and in federal court. These issues will be considered in the context of discrimination on the basis of race/color, national origin, gender/sexual orientation, age, religion and disability. 

Employment Law and HR Compliance

This course will provide you with a basic overview of employment law as it relates to day-to-day employment practices. You will be guided through the entire employer-employee relationship—from the initial decision to fill a position to the ultimate decision to terminate the employment relationship. Topics include the laws and regulations covering the employment relationship, employee recruitment, background checks, employment tests, wage and hour standards, benefits, performance appraisals, privacy, training and development, termination and post-termination issues.  

Enterprise Risk Management

This course will cover the principles, frameworks, and best practices for analyzing and managing risks within business firms. Students will learn how to construct frameworks for managing strategic, operational, financial, and legal/regulatory risks. They will also learn how to assess and measure these risks.

Environmental Risk Management and Compliance Failures

This course focuses on environmental legal risk management and compliance. Students will learn about federal and state environmental statutes and regulations that provide the basis for compliance in the areas of air, water, solid waste, climate change, and environmental justice. Students will also explore best practices for identifying and managing environmental risks and remedying compliance failures. Students will learn about environmental due diligence, environmental policies and procedures, mandatory self-reporting, and voluntary self-policing (monitoring, disclosure, and remediation). Through environmental case studies, students will learn about the intersection of federal and state regulators and explore emerging environmental compliance challenges. Environmental risk management is important in almost every industry, including manufacturing, technology (e.g., AI, cloud computing, cryptocurrency), transportation, public utilities, energy, defense contracting, health care, real estate, and entertainment and hospitality. It is also important for those working in contract and transactional risk management in financial services, supply chain, HR, mergers and acquisitions, and commercial real estate. In a semester-long assignment, students will focus on an environmental risk management topic relevant to their industry and/or professional goals.

Financial Statements Interpretation

This course covers basic accounting principles necessary to understand, interpret and analyze financial statements, formulate effective inquires, and communicate intelligently with business and financial professionals (as well as with their future clients). Students will read and use the information from real companies to analyze and interpret their financial statements. Specifically, this class will use real-world examples to illustrate the interrelationships between financial statements and the documents underlying certain deals/transactions. The students will learn about financial reports, cash flow versus income, tax versus accounting books, the quality of earnings and analytical ratios, all of which may be necessary to conduct due diligence on a particular matter and to draft operative agreements. The class will also spend time analyzing past financial scandals and the financial issues that led to them (and the role various professionals could/may have played in preventing them).

Governance, Risk Management and Compliance

An introduction to corporate governance, risk management, and compliance within business firms and financial institutions. Topics include: the role of the board of directors and executives in managing firms and overseeing risk management and compliance; Codes of Ethics; internal controls; the Sarbanes-Oxley Act; the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act; whistleblowers; crisis management; and disclosure requirements under Federal Securities Laws and under banking statutes and regulation.

Government Contracting

This course introduces students to government contracting. The course cover statutes and regulations governing the government procurement process, as well as the core contract law issues relevant to government contracting. The course will also look at the specific contracting issues related to defense contracting, including the Department of Defense’s Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC).

HR Documentation and Employee Policies and Procedures

This course covers the legal issues related to human resource documentation and employee policies and procedures.  Topics covered include: what actions to document and how and when to document them; document retention guidelines under various employment laws; privacy issues; and best practices and legal issues related to employee handbooks.

Insurance Contracts

A study of insurance contracts and insurance law. Topics covered include: the nature of insurance, insurable interests, persons and interests protected, contractual obligations of the insured and insurer, the claims process, bad faith, and subrogation. We will explore insurance contracts from the point of negotiation and execution through the claims process, settlement and dispute resolution.

Intellectual Property Risk Management

This course introduces students to key concepts in law of patents, trademarks, trade secrets and copyright. Special focus is given to risk management techniques to protect a company’s intellectual property, including monitoring for potential infringements, addressing suspected infringements, IP licensing, non-compete agreements and non-disclosure agreements.

Legal Research Fundamentals

This course introduces students to effective legal research techniques for navigating the vast landscape of legal sources and business information. Students will learn research strategies for working with primary legal sources--such as federal and state statutes, regulations, case law, and municipal ordinances and codes--as well as secondary legal sources. Students will learn how to efficiently research administrative materials, including federal and state registers and codes, proposed rules and comments, agency guidance, and enforcement actions. Students will also learn how to research business sources relevant for engaging in transactional due diligence, contract risk managements, vendor, and third-party risk management. Students will gain practical, hands-on experience working with both free and paid legal and business resources, and databases.

Negotiations & Bargaining: Theory and Practice

In this course, you will learn the main principles, concepts, tools, and skills of negotiations and bargaining. These will not only help you develop a good understanding of the subject but will also equip you with what is needed to be a “successful” negotiator. We will give primary attention to negotiation and bargaining in legal contexts. These include: contract negotiations; bargaining during the performance of long-term contracts and during other long-term relationships; bargaining between a business firm and its employees, customers, suppliers, vendors, and investors; bargaining among business firms regarding joint ventures and supply chain management; and bargaining during legal conflicts, both before and during litigation. You will learn how to identify the parties’ relative bargaining power and how to increase bargaining power–e.g., by using pre-commitment devices and acquiring information. You will also learn about the factors that can lead to quick, efficient agreements and those that can lead to costly delays and bargaining breakdowns, including the role played by bargaining procedures, informational gaps between parties, “credible” and “non-credible” threats, and trust and fairness.

Program and Project Management: Governance, Contracting, and Compliance

In this course, students will learn about program management and project management from the perspectives of governance, contracting, and regulatory compliance. Topics: Project management lifecycle, from project conception, negotiation, and initiation through project delivery and closure. Predominant project management types—e.g., Waterfall, Agile, and Lean/Scrum. Selecting and managing the project team, assessing and managing risk, engaging and managing stakeholders, and determining and managing outsourcing and procurement strategy. The course gives special attention to legal risk management issues. These include project governance, contract risk management, project finance, human resources and employment law, intellectual property, and vendor risk management.

Real Estate Law: Development, Construction, and Management

This course focuses on a range of laws and issues that apply to real estate development. Students will learn about the underlying property law, land use law, and environmental law regimes that impact real estate development in the United States. Among other things, students will explore property rights, zoning, eminent domain, entitlements, permitting and development orders, and issues related to contaminated properties. Students will also explore issues impacting real estate acquisition and financing, construction contracts and financing, property management, and lease agreements. Finally, students will be introduced to emerging issues in real estate development, including the emergence of new technologies (like AI) in construction and development. This course is important for students working directly in the real estate acquisition, development, and construction sectors. It is also important for professionals working on those issues in a variety of sectors, like healthcare, retail, manufacturing, franchising, hospitality, shipping, technology (including data centers), and industrial. In a semester-long assignment, students will focus on a Development, Construction, and Management topic relevant to their industry and/or professional goals.

Vendors and Other Third-Party Risk Management

A study of the legal issues related to outsourcing contracts, including liability issues arising from these relationships. Students will also learn about best practices for assessing, monitoring, and managing vendor and outsourcing risks.

Workers’ Compensation Law

A study of the legal rules covering the workers’ compensation system. Topics include: agency concepts as they apply to employment relationships, compensable accidents and injuries, tort concepts, causation and the worker’s compensation process, from injury to an employee’s return to work, fraud and civil liability issues.

Workplace Safety and Wellness

A study of workplace safety. Topics covered include: the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; OSHA standards, inspections, and enforcement actions; recordkeeping requirements; whistleblower protection and anti-retaliation protections; health and wellness initiatives; mental health issues; workplace violence issues, including OSHA requirements, third-party victim negligence claims, and employee references; workers compensation system.  

Cybersecurity and Privacy Electives

AI Governance, Risk Management, and Compliance

The course focuses on AI legal risk management. Students will learn how to apply governance, risk management, and compliance ("GRC") principles and practices to AI. The first part of the course focuses on the design and implementation of governance structures to meet internal and external AI governance requirements. Governance topics include the role and duties of boards of directors in managing AI risks and disclosure requirements under Federal securities laws, as well as other Federal, state, and international disclosure and governance requirements. The second part of the course focuses on AI enterprise risk management. Students will learn how to identify, mitigate, and manage intellectual property, vendor, data privacy, cybersecurity, and reputational risks. The last part of the course focuses on regulatory compliance. Students will learn how to design, implement, and audit compliance policies and procedures to address AI legal risks. Topics covered include general federal, state, and international regulations and compliance requirements, as well as industry specific requirements in health care, financial services, employment, manufacturing, and high-risk industries, such as aviation, transportation, energy and public utilities.

Cybersecurity Breach Response: Investigation, Mitigation and Remediation

This course focuses on the legal and risk management issues that arise after a cybersecurity breach.  Students will learn about different aspects on incident response, including initial internal communications and related corporate governance issues, the role played by in-house and outside counsel, forensics experts, IT staff and others in investigating the source and scope of the breach, and in mitigation and remediation of cyber breaches.  The course will cover myriad issues related to cyber-insurance (before and after a breach), the preservation of digital data and physical documents, attorney-client privilege and a number of legal issues that can arise when coordinating with federal, state, and foreign regulators and criminal investigation agencies.  Students will also learn about various mitigation best practices, including disclosure to regulators, customers, cyber-insurance carriers, investors, and vendors and other affected third parties.

Cybersecurity: Implementing Policies and Procedures

This course focuses on the design and implementation of cybersecurity compliance programs, including developing policies and procedures, auditing processes, and strategies for ensuring the resiliency and adaptability of the program in an evolving cyberspace and regulatory environment.

Financial Privacy and Cybersecurity

A study of privacy and cybersecurity laws and regulation, as they apply to firms in the financial sector and to corporations registered with the SEC. Topics include: prevention, breaches, disclosures, and remediation; Federal and state privacy and cybersecurity regulations; EU GDPR; the NIST Cybersecurity Framework; Federal Reserve, OCC, and FDIC guidance; and FFIEC and SEC OCIE cybersecurity guidance and initiatives. The course will also cover compliance and risk management best practices.

Health Care Privacy and Cybersecurity

A study of privacy and cybersecurity issues, including Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA); and security of health care information under state and federal law, including HIPAA, the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, and breach notification requirements. The course will also introduce issues related to emerging uses of technology, including telemedicine.

Technology Fundamentals for Cybersecurity, AI, and Beyond

An introduction to fundamental technology concepts for compliance officers, risk-manager, and others working in technology-intensive, regulated areas, including, cybersecurity, privacy, AI, and intellectual property.

Workplace Privacy and Cybersecurity

A study of privacy and cybersecurity law within the context of employment relationships and HR compliance. Topics covered include legal and compliance issues arising with: interviews and background investigation; medical screening, testing, and HIPAA issues; psychological screening and testing; drug, alcohol, and tobacco screening and testing; monitoring of employee performance and conduct; monitoring of social media, emails, and telephone conversations; video surveillance; GPS tracking; reasonable expectations of privacy and searches and seizures; misuse of company computers and cybersecurity issues; Fair Credit Reporting Act; and HR compliance best practices and employer liability issues.